Friday, July 4, 2014

A July 4th Possibility...

A High Possibility:
The planned chaos in Detroit and a push for the intervention of United nations & boots on the ground, conveniently at the same time as thousands of "illegals" are now dispersed and released through the southern border sates.
Some of these people are infected with a biological weapon and it will be spread across the nation, crippling hospitals and creating many sick and dying.
A U.N. presence in Detroit and securing the northern border will then be requested across the southern states and nation, the southern border is already occupied by G4S a private contractor many border patrol officers have been relieved of duty.
The southern states are seen as the most combative with militias and free gun rights, rather then engaging in direct combat a biological weapon will kill, disperse and weaken them through soft warfare.
Quarantine will be introduced, mobile fema camps as well as the prisons already constructed. Obama care is law and in the chapters of Obama care mandatory vaccines are a fact as well as imprisonment, in addition the implantation of an RFID chip is also stated and mandatory by 2015.
Due to the "Economic" stress the Dollar will collapse and the Amero will be introduced, the world has already been sectioned into 4 sectors.
The missing flight mh370 was carrying a large shipment of biological weapons, this container secured by MERSK and 2 "Private Contractors" former SEALS working for "Virginia Beach" a United States merc firm, the 2 operators were assigned to protect the container but were later Found dead. The container and its contents were acquired by mh370. These events follow a sequence and will most likely be the disease chosen for the United States.
You do not live inside a Country, you live inside a Company, the Virginia Company and this will be the acquisition of the company by its new leaders, whether that be China or which ever Shadow Government.

Prepare yourselves, Unite with each other and do not become another subject in "HisStory"

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